Hope Care Center opened in the fall of 1996 following several years of work by a group of volunteers who investigated opening a skilled nursing facility to provide for the unique needs of patients with HIV/AIDS. The idea for such a skilled nursing facility was born out of the frustration of local health care workers who found it difficult to place their HIV/AIDS patients in nursing homes because of prejudice, fear or the lack of trained personnel.
The task force conducted several years of research, including a study of numerous other facilities across the country. It became clear that a gap existed in our country’s health care system of skilled nursing facilities for the adequate treatment of persons with HIV/AIDS, especially for the poor.
Over a period of three years task force volunteers raised almost $700,000 from many generous supporters who also believed in the vision of a facility to serve persons with HIV/AIDS in the greater Kansas City
area. This remarkable fundraising effort provided enough money to buy the land, facility, and renovations to the building to permit the opening of our sixteen-bed facility in August of 1996.
Support for our vision also came from our state government. The State of Missouri also recognized the need for Hope Care Center by passing a law waiving an existing moratorium for additional nursing homes within the state and granting our Certificate of Need.
Hope Care Center is the first and only skilled nursing facility for persons with HIV/AIDS in Missouri or Kansas. We are gratified by the tremendous support we receive from our many friends in the greater Kansas City community and the City of Kansas City, and the State of Missouri.